Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Almost a year has passed...

Oh my goodness...I am just horrible at this. I have NEVER been able to keep up with a blog or journal. And now here it is almost one year since I last posted. You would think it would be easy for me because I absolutely LOVE to write. I wish I could do it full-time and make a living at it but I guess I have to actually write to be able to do that. Well, enough lamenting over my failure as a blogger...

So much has happened in this past year. Catching you up could probably take pages and pages (there aren't exactly pages on here but I don't know what else to call it) so I'll try to wrap it up in a nice succinct little package.

Looking back at last years' posts, I need to comment on some changes.

*We no longer have Milo. Milo was our dog. There were many reasons and Adam was not thrilled that I was giving him away but he understood. I could explain all the reasons but then it would make this take longer and it really doesn't matter. I will say that I enjoy my home much more without a dog in it. And Spencer was not too upset, in fact even wanted to get rid of him because he chewed up his toys. However, a dog-free life is temporary. When we get a bigger home, we will be getting another dog. Adam really wants one.

*The son that turned 18 last June is now a high school graduate. I am so proud of him, yet a little sad that he is not still 10 and running around the house. He is not here very much and I miss him. His 19th birthday is approaching quickly.
Riley at our church's senior ceremony. Isn't he handsome?
We have some big news here at the Cook household. Well, here, I'll let the kids tell you...

Yep, we're having a baby AND it's a girl. We are thrilled, especially my only daughter, Delaney. She has four brothers and has had to endure being the only girl for 13 years! Our little Avery Ann is due to be here on July 2. My actual due date is July 8 but the doctor, merciful woman that she is, will induce me on the 2nd. You see I have huge babies. And Avery does not appear to be an exception. My smallest baby was 8 pounds 7 ounces. My largest baby was 9 pounds 13 ounces. I'm so big and uncomfortable right now but I've got less than a month to go so I can do it. I haven't taken many pictures of myself pregnant because I think I look hideous but I shouldn't be like that. I wish I would have taken more along the way. I will include ONE of me and Spencer. Pretty funny, I think!
I don't remember why Spencer is making that silly face.
And one more update that I can't leave out...
Spencer's tumor has decreased in size!
I don't usually write about his health issues on here but I couldn't leave that out. You can always follow the tab at the top of this page over to the website I have set up specifically for his health journey if you want to read more.
There have been many more events that have happened this past year but if I wrote about everything, you would probably still be reading this next year. So I will close for now. We are out on summer break and I am so happy about that. However, I never stop being a teacher and I'm already working and planning for next year. Hopefully I will "see" you sooner than another year from now.

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