Wednesday, June 19, 2013

5 Things!

I didn't really have any inspiration to write but I've seen on other blogs where they will just list five things about their day or post five pictures that represent their day. I thought I would go ahead and do that just to keep my blog writing going...otherwise I might only write one post a year. = \ So here goes nothing. :)

1. Today is Riley's 19th birthday. I saw him for all of 15 minutes...maybe. I guess that is what happens when they grow up. He would rather be with his girlfriend than his mom...imagine that! ;)

2. Two weeks from today, I should be bringing little Avery Ann into this world. This pregnancy has really taken a toll on me. It is much different being pregnant in your 30's than it is in your 20's. At least it has been for me. I have felt completely drained for most of the last nine months. I've also probably eaten my weight in ice...several times! I can't describe the NEED I have to eat ice. I even wake up in the middle of the night and eat it sometimes! It is also usually the first thing I eat in the morning. Good thing it's not fattening!
3. I've been spending A LOT of time scouring the internet for teaching ideas for next year. You didn't think teachers really took a break during the summer did you? ;)
4. Adam is in OKC again this week. I think this makes his 3rd week there. He will probably be there again next week but then he will have the following week off as Avery will be joining us that week. I'm excited to see the two of them together!
5. I'm struggling to come up with a fifth thing to mention. Um...Oh, I made a yummy dinner for me and Grayson. (Delaney is at a friend's house, Connor is at camp and Spencer is too picky to eat it.) I made chicken fried steak, green beans and mashed potatoes. YUM!
I know this entry was just a thrilling read. :) Oh well...they can't all be life changers!  

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